("Is the String empty? " + myName. ("Is the String null? " + (myName = null)) not sure if the string is either null or empty Also, you can use the example below to check if a string is null or empty.
Feel free to use the “length” check for your practice. For the sake of this example, we are using the built-in method to see if the string is empty. If you don’t want to use this available method, alternatively you can check if the length of the String is zero. In Java, a built-in method is available to check if a String is empty before performing any operations. If a String is empty that means the reference variable is referring to a memory location holding a String of length equal to zero. The String = Lubaina Khan What is an “empty” String in Java? “An empty String in Java means a String with length equal to zero.” another way to check if a string is null
It further shows how to check if it is a valid null String. Here is a basic example illustrating declaration of a null String. Syntax public boolean isEmpty() Parameters None. This method returns true if the string is empty (length() is 0), and false if not. This method returns true if the string is empty ( length () is 0), and false if not. The isEmpty() method checks whether a string is empty or not. If you perform any operation or call a method on a null String, it throws the . Definition and Usage The isEmpty () method checks whether a string is empty or not. It also indicates that the String variable is not actually tied to any memory location.Įxample using a null checkVery often in programming, a String is assigned null to represent that it is completely free and will be used for a specific purpose in the program. In Java programming language, a “ null” String is used to refer to nothing.
It means the String that does not point to any physical address.” What is a “null” String in Java? “A null String in Java is literally equal to a reserved word “ null”. However, let’s go by the definition of each to draw a line of difference. This would be 'sensible' for many configurations, I expect.In Java, it’s very easy to confuse a null, empty or a blank string for beginners. I have an example here, where I choose to return null if there is no configured URI, or throw an exception if there is a configured URI and that URI is not a valid value. Example: str1.length()) Example: str1.equals()) if string was. even if a regex appears that it will match, it is still not the correct solution -) Solution Check if a string is empty or null or not in Java means the value of the string is null. There is not a correct regex for matching URL's. the latter considers a String which consists of spaces or special characters eg ' ' empty too. StringUtils.isBlank(String str) - Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ('') or null. for example, your pattern will return the following: from myhost/consolidate from myhost:8080 from from Each of the above input values will produce unexpected results. StringUtils.isEmpty(String str) - Checks if a String is empty ('') or null. String myStr2 Blank: It means that a variable or field is null, empty, or contains only whitespace characters.
but, your pattern will match a lot of things which I would consider to be unexpected. String myStr1 null Empty: It means that a variable or field has been assigned a value, but that value is an empty string with zero characters. it appears that you want your pattern to match the HTTP 'host' against which you have the 'consolidate' path. matches() does just one scan, and it matches the entire input string against the entire pattern.find() will scan the input looking for any point inside the input where the pattern will match.Now, matcher.find() and matcher.matches() are different methods.
It is common practice to make the Pattern a static-final field: private static final Pattern MYPATTERN = pile(" Then you can re-use that compiled pattern as much as you like, in any method, in any thread, like: Matcher matcher = MYPATTERN.matcher(uri) Compiled Java Pattern instances are thread-safe, and compiling them for one-time-use is not useful. But, there is no performance benefit in the way you have done this.
This snippet makes it look like you know what you are doing, with the Pattern compile, etc. Regex UsageĬompiled Pattern performance String regex = " Pattern pattern = pile(regex)
The general question you ask "Which is better, "" or null?" is off-topic for CodeReview, but your code snippet has a number of reviewable items.